What role does our genetic makeup play in autoimmune diseases – diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis wherein the body’s own immune system turns on itself? That question has plagued researchers for decades. However, a new gene mutation has been discovered that could help scientists map an autoimmune disease in the body and find out how the immune system is inappropriately triggered to attack the body.
10 Superfoods for Spring
These science-backed foods will boost your mood, energy, metabolism, and memory.There's a food movement afoot: Eating well to look, feel, and perform our very best is hot. And as Jamie Oliver and Michelle Obama alike are showing us, this isn't a matter of choking down foods because they're good for you. It's about filling your plate with delicious fare.
Essential Nutrients: key to Vitality and Health
Essential nutrients must come from the foods you eat because your body can't make them. Dietary minerals, most vitamins and certain fats and amino acids are essential.
Essential Vitamins
Your body needs vitamins for a variety of reasons. Some help you convert the food you eat to energy and others are necessary for strong bones, normal immune system function, general growth and development, and they're important for a whole host of different functions.
Energy Density: Why Some Foods are Fattening
Energy density is the amount of energy -- as represented by the number of calories -- in a specific weight of food. Energy-dense foods have a large number of calories per serving. An example of food with high energy density is ice cream -- lots of calories from the sugar and fat that fit a small serving size. Spinach has low energy density -- there's only a few calories in a whole plateful of raw spinach leaves.